MOTHER MYCELIUM: Kybele, Attis, & the Fruit of the Gods, by Iona Miller, 2020

MOTHER MYCELIUM: Kybele, Attis, & the Fruit of the Gods, by Iona Miller, 2020 We cannot forget that ancient people sought to alter their consciousness for preternatural seeing. Rhythmic dancing, auditory-driving with rhythmic sound patterns, and hyperventilation can produce ecstatic trance states. Thought-lives manifest belief systems. All religions have an ecstatic component and all religions alter consciousness to some extent.

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KYBELE: WILD AT HEART Body of Images; Wilderness of Soul by Iona Miller, (c)2019

KYBELE: WILD AT HEART Body of Images; Wilderness of Soul by Iona Miller, (c)2019

Jung introduced the notion that archetypes, ancient gods and goddesses, are dynamic patterns that eternally operate in our lives and our world. They are the primal driving forces of humanity and nature. Their metaphysical influence pervades the whole spectrum of domains from cosmic to subatomic. Theirs is the fabric that weaves Above and Below together, seamlessly, as a holographic whole. Our worldviews, basic assumptions about the way the world is, are grounded and sustained with mythic patterns which condition our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions. Personal mythology is a vibrant infrastructure that informs your life, consciously or unconsciously. Fixed patterns of belief and behavior function as trances. Living mythically means becoming aware of our personal and collective origins. Their articulation opens up new experiential space. These forms structure our awareness; in them we find the root cause of our difficulties and our healing. Solutions to intrapersonal conflict is a first step toward solving global conflict.

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